Choose ACCA – and discover a world of opportunity

When you study with ACCA, you can take your career in any direction. You open doors to the best and most interesting roles all over the world. And you become one of the sought-after finance professionals our fast-changing world needs.

Work anywhere in the world

ACCA have a worldwide reputation for excellence and our rigorous qualifications are recognised and respected across the globe. When you join ACCA, you become part of our diverse body of more than 198,000 members and 486,000 students in 181 countries.

Stand out to the best employers

Employers across the globe seek out ACCA-trained professionals – because they know they have the strategic thinking, technical skills and professional values to drive their organisations forward.

Choose your own path

The ACCA qualification is extremely flexible. You can study part-time and work at the same time thus gaining experience in today’s fast-paced business world. You can keep your studies broad or choose an area to specialise in. And you can even gain additional qualifications on your journey to membership, including:

  • BSc in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University


ACCA Qualification

Entry Requirements

Five separate subjects including Maths and English or their equivalent

  • 2 A’Levels
  • 3 O’Levels


Work experience required – 3 years which can be accumulated throughout your completion of the ACCA qualification

Modules: 13

Number of exams: 13 exams.

Exemptions: If you already have some qualifications you may not have to take all of the exams and you can start your studies at the right level for your knowledge and skills. The exemptions calculator details all exemptions that may be available on the basis of qualifications held.


Foundations in Accountancy

Entry requirements

None, it is open access.  So if you do not have the entry requirements to start at the ACCA Qualification, you can start your studies here.

If you are starting out in accounting and finance or already working in finance but have no formal qualifications, you can start your journey with ACCA at foundations level.


Ready to start?

Join as an ACCA student now to start your ACCA journey. It’s a rewarding and intense path – and we’re here to support you at every stage of your career.

Students are advised to read our Terms and Conditions carefully before purchasing a course.

Other Important ACCA Information

This section within the ACCA website contains further information which is valuable for potential and existing ACCA students on examination progression rules, study materials, Practical Experience Requirements (PER), minimum entry requirements, exemptions, study guides, past examination papers and the ethics module.

KPMG Learning Academy’s ACCA courses are registered under the GET QUALIFIED initiative that supports the personal development of individuals for the achievement of qualifications and certifications required by industry. The incentive is applicable to individuals following a course of studies leading to a certification, diploma, degree or post-graduate degree courses. Upon successful completion the student will benefit from a tax credit enabling them to recover part of the costs incurred.

Students following courses approved by the Ministry for Education and Employment are granted tax credits on the following costs:

  • fees paid by the individual to the university, institution or other entity recognized by the Ministry for Education and Employment  for the training and educational services leading to the approved qualification.
  • fees for sitting for examinations required to achieve the approved qualification.​​​​​​​​


Contact Us

For further information on how to enrol for the ACCA qualification, kindly contact us on or on +356 2563 6363

ACCA Connect Contact Information

ACCA Connect
110 Queen Street
Glasgow G1 3BX
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)141 582 2000


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