KPMG Accounts A Level Bootcamp
Course Description:
Accounting at A Level standard requires a thorough knowledge of the application of the basic principles into more intricate scenarios. The students need to apply these concepts in a time-efficient manner using exam-friendly techniques with confidence. This course will help the students close any knowledge gaps while refining their computational techniques in an easy way.
Course Structure:
Day 1: Financial Accounting (paper 1)
- Companies 360 (financial statements with adjustments and errors) ,IASs and Equity Journal entries
- Manufacturing Financial statements
- Ratio Analysis
Day 2: Depreciation, Revaluation and Impairment
- Final accounts from incomplete records and for non-profit making organisations
- Insurance Claims
- Cash Flow Statements
Day 3: Cost and management Accounting (Paper 2)
- Marginal Costings, Decision-making and Absorption Costing
- Process Costing vs Job Costing
Day 4: Budgets and Variances
- Elements of Cost – Materials, Labour and Overheads
Target Audience:
Students preparing to sit for A Level Accounting MATSEC exam.
Learning Outcomes:
During this four day workshop, course participants will be:
- Covering the syllabus in a concise manner
- Revising each topic by practice, practice, and more practice!
- Exploring time-management techniques that can be applied during exams.
- Building confidence to achieve a good result!
Accounting knowledge in preparation for A Level Accounting MATSEC SEC exam.
Ms Dona Falzon, Accounting Lecturer, St. Aloysius College
Dona Falzon has been lecturing Accounting at Advanced level at St Aloysius College for the last twelve years. Her pedagogical studies and experience have been certainly enhanced by her previous ACCA studies, which she pursued while working in various accounting- related roles in the industry.
Course Features
- Guided Learning 20 hours
- Language English
- Assessments